Canada: Our Neighbor to the North

Zip Dobyns

Maritha and I just completed our third Intensive in Canada, each time coming away impressed by the warmth of the people and the high level of intelligence and interest shown. The icing on the cake this time (and it was delightful enough not to need any!) was the acquisition of new data for my current absorbing interest—the world situation.

The treasures include two charts for Canada, for its 1867 Constitution, and for its new Constitution that became legal in 1982. A country (or other institution) is born in stages, and a variety of charts will show part of the picture, with the “big” times showing in all of the charts. I was especially eager to look at the patterns for 1987, since Canada’s economy is closely tied to that of the U.S. The natal charts and progressions will be included in this article.

I was also pleased to get further information on Canada’s charismatic PRIME MINISTER, PIERRE TRUDEAU. He was born in a suburb of Montreal, and there is a serious question about whether the suburb was on daylight saving time, as Montreal was. We worked with his chart on rectification day, though with only a limited number of events in his life, and the standard time chart seemed to fit the events a little better. But I am not sure enough of it to make any final pronouncements!

Starting with the 1867 Constitution which legally took effect at 0 A.M. on July 1, we have an interesting parallel to the U.S. Declaration of Independence chart for my preferred time. Uranus is on the axis of MC-IC though on the opposite end. Canada has a tight Uranus-Sun conjunction in Cancer exactly (one degree orb) on the IC. The Cancer Sun is in the middle of the U.S. Venus, Jupiter, Sun. The rising Neptune is also similar to the U.S., though Canada has it just inside the twelfth house and much closer to the Ascendant. Is their idealism all the more active for being slightly more unconscious and instinctive? The Pisces emphasis is further supported by the loaded twelfth house including co-ruler Jupiter in the Pisces sign and house.

However, they can defend themselves when they need to. Aries is also there, along with Pluto in the first house in Taurus, and a Scorpio group in the seventh house (Pallas, Saturn, Ceres) is additional testimony to strength. The Taurus-Scorpio opposition in houses one-seven also indicates a need to work out a balance between personal will and needs and the rights and power of others.

Additional Virgo, especially Mars, ruler of the Ascendant in the Virgo sign and house, encourages Pisces in the direction of a healing helping role, while the one-seven-two-eight mixture indicates intermittent power struggles. Saturn rules the tenth house, and at the time of this first Constitution, Canada was more strongly tied to Great Britain, but it was moving from a situation of more subjugation to one of equal partnership as Saturn in the seventh house suggests. Saturn in Scorpio also reinforces the lesson of learning to be an equal in the handling of joint resources, especially with its opposition to Pluto in Taurus; a two-eight combination.

The importance of personal money, possessions, or pleasures is further supported by Venus, a key to identity as ruler of the Taurus in the first house, placed in its own natural second house. With a ruler of the first house in the second house, part of our sense of self-confidence, the ability to do what we want, depends on personal control of personal resources. Vesta in the second house suggests a basically conservative attitude toward the area of finances, along with the ability to work hard to gain or maintain them. But Gemini and Venus are less attracted to hard work, so some will prefer to work with their minds or with artistic talent and charm. The possibility of conflict between hard work and an easier path is suggested by Mars in double Virgo (sign and house) in a square to Vesta.

The double Gemini (sign and house) Moon adds further emphasis to the mutables in the chart. The high focus on the mind certainly fits Maritha’s and my experiences, as does the strong Uranus which most of us consider a major key to astrology. The position of Mercury in double Leo can be read as an ego-investment in the mind: we want to be proud of our mental ability; we create and seek center stage through the conscious mind. Mercury’s close aspects to Mars and Vesta further emphasize the importance of the mind.

The chart makes sense, in light of the actual situation in Canada. They cover an immense territory, so communications (mutables, especially Gemini) are vital to maintain a union. The land is rich in natural resources (Taurus-Cancer-Scorpio) but the climate is very cold and it takes sustained effort to tap the resources. In addition to the changing relationship with their former ruler, Great Britain, Canada has had to reconcile major differences between provinces, and this inner struggle is far from resolved. Some provinces have become relatively wealthy from oil; others have a better climate; still others are close to the financial and manufacturing centers of the U.S. northeast with access to the Great Lakes. Quebec, with its French roots and insistence on its own language, has threatened to secede, while the western provinces have also talked of forming a separate nation or of joining the U.S. The effort to maintain a united nation is an on-going process, and the Uranus conjunction with the fourth house cusp, (the land and the people in general), has been an accurate picture of this potential for dissolution and separation. But they are still hanging in there.

The new Constitution which became the law of the land at 0 A.M. on April 18, 1982, was primarily the child of Pierre Trudeau, who worked hard for it. At midnight, the Sun is, of course, again on the IC, but this time in a wide conjunction with Mercury and a close opposition to Pluto. Venus is, again, in its own house and in a mutable sign, but octile Sun and trioctile Pluto and MC. The fixed planets and a fixed house repeat the issue of working out a way to share resources harmoniously. Mercury in Taurus is another fixed key, and it forms a yod (double quincunx) to Mars and Uranus. Mars is a natural ruler of the first house, while Uranus rules the Aquarius which is found in the first house, repeating the need to deal with resources and suggesting a struggle between security-stability vs. change and risk.

The Moon is again in a air sign while Neptune offers one of the most striking repetitions of patterns in the original Constitution. Neptune is in a fire sign, closely conjunct the Ascendant but on the twelfth house side. The emphasis on idealism and intellect is certainly present in both charts. With Sagittarius rising, Uranus (ruler of the first house) in Sagittarius in its own Aquarian house, Saturn (ruler of the Capricorn in the first house) in the Sagittarius house along with Mars, the natural ruler of the first house, there is a strong identification with letter nine.

Jupiter, ruler of the Ascendant, is in the tenth house of executive power and the law, a one-ten combination that supports the first house Capricorn and Saturn widely conjunct the MC. This chart is far more transpersonal that the first Constitution, with a sense of personal power and a destiny to fulfill in the world. But there is still a need to stabilize the home base. That yod from Mars and Uranus to Mercury in the fourth house still warns of the danger of internal rupture or conflict. And Saturn conjunct (even though widely) Pluto as well as Scorpio in the tenth house (representing the same lesson in realism as Saturn and Capricorn), both echo the Saturn in Scorpio in the original chart, showing something to learn in handling joint resources. There is ample indication of intelligence in the chart, so the capacity to handle the situation should be there, but the chart does point to the issue and the need for attention to it.

Turning now to secondary progressions for the years ahead, my first startling discovery was the fact that both the chart for the original Constitution and the U.S. chart for the Declaration of Independence had an identical aspect during the winter of 1986-7. Both charts have the progressed Moon conjunct Saturn in Scorpio! As was mentioned, both of Canada’s charts should show similar themes for the major developments, and the 1982 chart does with progressed Moon opposite Saturn during the same period.

As our readers know, I had already picked out the spring of 1987 as an important time in the U.S. chart. The two Canadian charts have their strong progressed Moon aspects in the summer of 1987. In the 1867 chart, the Moon reaches progressed Saturn and the eighth house cusp at that time. In the 1982 chart, progressed Moon opposes Pluto and then the MC as it crosses the IC and the natal Sun. Since both of these Canadian charts are historically firm on their time, we do not have the uncertainty present for the U.S. chart, and can trust the progressed Moon as a key to activity.

Many other aspects support this 1986-7 period as an important one, a time of major decisions. In the 1982 chart for Canada, the progressed Sun reaches a quincunx to progressed Mars in late spring 1986, and starts the quincunx to Uranus in spring 1987, a yod combination. At such times, people or institutions normally move in new directions, giving up (or having taken away) past possessions, people, or situations. You remember that it is in spring 1987 that the U.S. progressed Moon forms the yod to natal Uranus-MC and progressed MC. In the Canadian chart combination, Mars and Sun are fire planets, Uranus is in a fire sign, and Mars is in a fire house. Some sort of new beginning seems highly likely.

More fire emphasis in the same 1982 chart comes from progressed Ascendant square Mars from 1985 into 1988. Also, during the late 1986 Moon opposition to Saturn, it is forming a trioctile to Uranus, from Aries to Sagittarius. The Jupiter opposition to natal Mercury starts in January 1985 and continues for several years, while Saturn maintains a square to the nodes of the Moon for many years. Stress in relationships seems indicated, and the Jupiter-Mercury aspect across Taurus-Scorpio combined with the involvement of all the fixed planets suggests that the fixed dilemma is involved: the handling of money, possessions, and power. Progressed Sun maintaining an octile to progressed Venus is further support for that issue.

Even when the issues are shown in the horoscope, we may or may not guess accurately on the details that will be manifested. The obvious Scorpio detail confronting the earth today is the handling of massive indebtedness. Many countries, including the U.S., continue to add to an already staggering debt. Economists have no idea how long this policy can be maintained, and they offer a variety of opinions while devoutly hoping for a large improvement in the world’s financial state. The U.S. is supposed to lead the recovery, and there have been clear gains during the first half of this year, 1983.

In contrast to the economists, astrologers have a symbol system which offers very good timing, with choices of constructive or destructive ways to handle the relevant issues. With the major planets moving into Scorpio and Capricorn, the positive approach is to work out equitable and practical ways to deal with the debt. Greed and power plays are neither fair nor effective, and the human penchant for both unfortunately still seems to be widespread. Unless there are major changes in handling the Scorpio side of life, (joint resources, including debts), the periods singled out in these charts could mean a collapse of the world economic structure, and a need for major restructuring.

Canada’s 1867 chart has patterns which seem to reiterate the periods and issues shown in the later chart. The progressed Ascendant holds a square to Pluto from summer 1984 to spring 1987. The aspect ends as the Ascendant moves into the square to Saturn. In effect, the aspect to Pluto offers an opportunity to deal with the debt, and the following aspect to Saturn indicates the consequences. The latter could be positive or negative, but since the aspect is a square, we are being told that careful, conscious handling is necessary to avoid painful consequences. Progressed MC came into Taurus in the fall of 1982, and by the end of 1986 when the Moon is on Saturn, the MC reaches the opposition to natal Pallas, setting off another Taurus-Scorpio pattern, while it continues the second year of a square to natal Mercury. Progressed Mercury squares progressed Jupiter from about fall 1985 to 1987, with both planets in fixed signs and houses, to repeat the focus on the fixed dilemma. Mercury is natally a ruler of the Gemini in the second house, now progressed to the eighth house to further emphasize the same issues. If we needed it again, progressed Mars catches up to progressed Saturn around the end of 1987. The general time-table looks like repeated times of challenge through 1984 to 1987, with 1988 the year of decision when some kind of action is required to restructure the economic system.

Of course, there are also many harmonious aspects, so humans might be wiser than they have been in the past. Progressed MC will have a semisextile to natal Vesta and a trine to natal Mars. Hard work, conservative values (we call them the Puritan ethics) such as self-discipline, self-reliance, thrift, common sense, etc. could help the situation. The Kingly attitude (the Mercury in Leo) will contribute to the possible crisis, while the Virgo attitude (Mars in the sign and house and Vesta a natural ruler) could help: quiet service, small, reasonable expectations, willingness to work, and so on. Since the Sun remains opposite the MC, it will simultaneously be square Mercury, conjunct Pallas (social justice as an issue?), sextile Mars and quincunx Vesta. Progressed Pallas will be quincunx natal Sun-Uranus, an interesting double emphasis on a Pallas-Sun confrontation; hopefully growth toward social justice. Progressed Venus is also quincunx Neptune through most of 1986 to 1989. There is always more that might be said, but we might end with the observation that in three to four years after the period just discussed, the progressed MC will reach the sextile to natal Sun-Uranus (remember they are natally in opposition), while the progressed East Point conjuncts natal Mercury. The progressed Antivertex conjuncts natal IC-Uranus-Sun (natally they are square) by late 1987, supporting the possibility of a structural change in the handling of power during 1988, and the later angle aspects may mark the need for some additional adjustments in the early 1990s.

Since it seems strongly possible that Pierre Trudeau will continue to play a leading role in Canadian affairs for a considerable time, I am including his chart. Unfortunately, there is an uncertainty about the time. Hopefully, someone living in the Montreal area can check the records in Outremont, and see whether they did have daylight saving time in 1919. If Outremont had its own newspaper, there might be files from the period. If daylight time was in effect, the chart should be set for an hour earlier, giving Libra rising and Cancer on the MC.

Even if the time is off an hour, the progressed Moon aspects will only be a week off on timing. I ran Trudeau’s chart for the same time as the two Canada constitutions; December l, 1986. Sure enough, he also had a Moon-Saturn aspect for that winter period; progressed Moon trioctile progressed Saturn. The trioctile to natal Saturn will occur earlier in the fall of 1986. If Trudeau’s time is accurate, his Mars-Saturn conjunction is in the tenth house. With Mars the natural ruler of the first house and actually ruling the Scorpio there, he has a strong one-ten mixture fitting his executive drive. The progressed Moon will be in Capricorn in the third house, repeating the power emphasis and suggesting full coverage of the situation by the media.

Other important Moon aspects during that fall of 1986 include a sextile-trine to the nodes of the Moon, a quincunx to natal Moon and a square to natal Sun. Trudeau’s progressed Sun will be sextile the Ascendant if this time is accurate, but square Chiron. Progressed Venus will be conjunct progressed Vesta, square progressed Jupiter. Progressed Mercury will be trine Neptune (and MC if the time is right) while it squares progressed Saturn and is octile progressed Moon. Mars also starts a conjunction to natal Vesta in the fall of 1986.

The angles of the chart seem somewhat inconclusive or favorable, which may mean that we are using the wrong time, or may mean that Trudeau will be handling the situation, or may mean that he is out of power and mainly concerned as a private citizen without the responsibility for decisions??? The general planetary aspects certainly suggest a high focus on work (Vesta, Saturn, Capricorn) whether the focus is on the problems of keeping Canadians fully employed (a major issue in this next 15 years of Capricorn emphasis), or a concern with his own responsibilities in general in his leadership role, or with a need to find a new role for his talents if he is no longer Prime Minister. Finances could certainly be part of the problem. Mercury rules the eighth house (joint resources, including debts) and is in the second house with mixed patterns. In the years immediately ahead, Mercury goes through a square to natal Saturn and an octile to natal Sun. Through part of 1982 into 1984, Mercury holds a quincunx to Pluto, a strong pointer to the financial area since Mercury rules the eighth house and Pluto is the natural ruler.

Trudeau’s new lunation cycle, the 30 year period that starts when the progressed Moon catches up with the progressed Sun, begins in the fall of 1984, with the Sun in 29 degrees of Sagittarius. Major changes are normal around the time of the progressed New Moon, especially in a case like this where the Sun is about to go into a new sign. It seems unlikely that Trudeau will give up a power position, with his basic natural drive and a progressed Sun in Capricorn, but he might change roles. The Sun-Moon conjunction at the start of the new cycle will be trioctile natal Jupiter, suggesting either a challenge to his aspirations, or a voluntary re-evaluation and re-direction of his ambitions. With his basic fixed cross in cardinal houses, he has a power struggle chart, and politics or fighting for causes is an appropriate way to manifest it. I think he has the ability to handle things, though the lesson in partnership (south node in the seventh house) remains a challenge. He has the intelligence, the idealism, and the power drive. Hopefully, they will lead to wisdom. The world badly needs wise leaders!

Copyright © 1983 Los Angeles Community Church of Religious Science, Inc.

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